Dry Exfoliating Body Brush with Vegan Sisal Fibers sourced from the Agave Plant.

Top 7 Skin Benefits of Dry Brushing

A skin tool rooted in Ayurvedic medicine that has been around for over 3,000 years & chances are you may have not even heard or known what dry brushing actually do.

Dry brushing is an ancient healing practice that is said to stimulate the lymphatic system and detoxify the body. It can help to reduce cellulite, improve circulation, and boost the body's natural energy. A dry brush is used to massage and exfoliate the outer layers of the skin designed for the body that may also be associated with a range of cosmetic as well as health benefits.

A lady dry brushing her legs before she gets into her bath.

1. Helps with Exfoliation 

Using a dry brush weekly on your skin may lead to deeper exfoliation than most sugar scrubs we always reach for. These brushes work by working the bristles on dry skin- always before showering- to gently exfoliate the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin where dead skin cells are concentrated.


2. Helps with Detoxification

Through the mechanical use of weekly dry brushing, this handy bodycare brush can also help to detoxify the body's skin cells. Exfoliating the dead cells concentrated on the outermost layer of the skin can also allow for pores to unclog, which can lead to toxins exiting your system easier. 

3. Can Lead to Softer Skin

Wave bye to those old skin cells. By using a dry brush 1-2x a week, this can allow for softer, more supple skin we crave with summer just around the corner. Since dry brushing is a manual exfoliator that helps to rid dead skin cells, the removal of those old skin cells can lead to a smoother, firmer appearance of the legs, butt, stomach- or wherever you choose to use the dry brush on your body.

4. Aids in Glowing Skin

A lady's soft, glowing legs

After dry brushing & showering, it is imperative to follow up with a heavy-duty moisturizer all over. By making this apart of your weekly bodycare routine, this can leave your body with fresh, healthy skin cells every week.

5. Can Encourage Lymphatic Drainage

Here comes the health! Lymphatic drainage massages have recently become very popular- and for good reason. This type of massage encourages the lymph to naturally drain. The lymphatic system is important for the body as it maintains all proper fluid levels by removing certain fluids that are no longer needed; this system is also important to ensure the proper functioning of our immune system and responses.

By using the right technique and tools, lymphatic drainage can be promoted and encouraged. Dry brushing with vegan, sisal bristles can help to improve lymphatic drainage and circulation. 

When dry brushing, it is important to maintain a gentle pressure and move in the direction of the heart.Using these techniques can help ensure that your lymphatic system is operating optimally and maximize its ability to remove unwanted toxins from your body.


6. Can Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

A lady showing the cellulite on her legs.

Dry Brushing regularly can increase blood flow and circulation in the body, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. An increase in blood circulation helps with plumped skin cells that over time aid in reducing cellulite's appearance- and we're all for that. 

 By removing these dead skin cells, the body will also be able to properly absorb the nutrients from body lotions and creams, resulting in improved overall skin health. So, not only can dry brushing reduce the appearance of cellulite, it can also help to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

7. Vegan Sisal Fibers

Sisal fibers in dry brushes are a particular fave of ours when it comes to dry brushing the body. Sisal is a 100% natural fiber from the Agave plant and when you're looking for a great dry brush- you want one that's firm yet gentle enough to not leave your skin scratchy or irritated. Because sisal is a natural fiber, natural fiber bristles can be less harsh on skin than their synthetic counterparts.


All About Dry Brushing

Dry, Flaky skin is out the door & summer is literally so close, so it's the perfect time to spend 5-10 minutes per week on our current bodycare routine.

Our Dry Brush is formulated with vegan Sisal fibers sourced from the Agave plant, which adds the perfect combination of firm + gentle exfoliation to your arsenal of natural bodycare tools.

Want to learn more and harness the benefits of dry brushing today? Check out our Vegan Sisal Dry Brush here!




Skincare/ Bodycare References:

1. de Godoy JM, de Godoy Mde F. Treatment of cellulite based on the hypothesis of a novel physiopathology. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2011;4:55-9. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S20363. Epub 2011 May 26. PMID: 21691567; PMCID: PMC3114606.

2. Team, W. (2021, December 10). The truth about dry brushing. Cleveland Clinic. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/the-truth-about-dry-brushing-and-what-it-does-for-you/#:~:text=“Dry%20brushing%20unclogs%20pores%20in,eliminate%20toxins%20in%20your%20system.

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